Grade 12 University English – Beyond Shakespeare

I think it’s boring. We think it’s boring. But, is it worth it? Should Grade 12 university English be forever mandatory for post secondary? As much as I hate English class, unfortunately the answer is yes. English serves as a basis for all academic disciplines and professional careers. Now I know you may argue it’s outdated but hear me out, alright. In university there is a standard of learning and education which ENG4U in high school exposes us students to. We’re learning those particular standards that will serve as a guide and necessary foundation for all other subjects. 

Someone once said, “you read to write and write to read.” And what better place to do both than an English class? Am I right? And do I know where this quote came from? Nope. But I would have found out in an English class. So, here I am. 

Went a little off topic. But hey, No worries about digressing a bit. I totally think all University programs should have grade 12 university English as a requirement. Let me break down my reasoning as to why:

Shakespeare, for many, comes across as tedious and irrelevant. Too many people die. And, the material was challenging to read. At least for me it was. Nevertheless, it’s essential to acknowledge that  studying Shakespeare’s works allowed us to hone and cultivate vital skills in critical thinking, analysis, and research. These skills play a significant role in better preparing us students for the demands of university life. But that’s not all. What about academic writing? The essays, assignments and reports. Grade 12 English familiarizes us with academic writing conventions, such as proper citation, referencing, structuring, all of which are essential for university. They won’t be teaching that stuff to us there. We will be expected to know. In other words, English is the one course that truly cultivates your reading and writing skills. Able to blend fact with fiction and intersect with other subjects. For example, historical context, the psychology of characters (their personalities/ emotions) as well as different cultures.  

Overall, grade 12 English lays the groundwork for academic success in various university disciplines while enriching our minds with deeper intellectual thought. 

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